Terms of Service

Coaching Conditions of Service

The terms of this Coaching Agreement, between (Client’s Name Here) and (Your Name Here) have been discussed, agreed, and signed below.


The success of any coaching relationship is always determined by both the perspective given by the coach and the follow through by the client. This process is known as accountability. Scheduled appointments will be agreed upon, action steps will be agreed upon, and accountability to both the process and the agreements made during each coaching session will determine the success of the coaching process. The services to be provided are either in-person coaching or tele-coaching, as designed jointly with the client. Coaching, which is not advice, therapy, or counseling, may address specific personal, business, or general goals and objectives.


Your Coach acknowledges that they may obtain confidential personal and/or business information from the Client and agrees to keep and maintain such information confidential and not to disclose or use such information without the Client’s prior written consent.

Liability Responsibility

As your coach I will offer suggestions, options, and coaching, based on my own life and professional experience, and I will work with you to identify solutions to your problems, but any decision about a course of action is yours, and yours alone. You accept full responsibility for such decisions. You should carefully evaluate the consequences of various options, and decide accordingly. I make no representation, or warranty to you that any of the coaching methods, sessions, or activities will work for your particular circumstances and in no way guarantee any results.

Termination & Refund Policy

If after you have received your first coaching session you do not feel 100% happy with my coaching style I will gladly refund your money less a 100%. This is a one-time only option which you may exercise at the end of the first session. In addition, you agree that I have the right to terminate our agreement at any time refunding you for all unused pre-paid sessions that remain. Please note that no refunds will be given should you decide to terminate our agreement for whatever reason.

Appointment Information

All coaching sessions shall be scheduled in advance. Coaching sessions may be re-scheduled only when given written notice a minimum of 48 hours (2 business days) before the scheduled appointment.


All coaching sessions are paid for in advance by either cheque, e-transfer, PayPal, or cash. Please refer to our website for additional information on our pricing structure. www.Keys4Life.ca/paymentpolicy

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Counselling Conditions of Service

Benefits and Risks of Counselling:

Sometimes the counselling process can evoke difficult emotions. The counsellor will try and help you effect change with the minimum distress possible. You have the right to choose not to discuss a topic, or to end the session or counselling.

Service Plan and Client Rights

You are aware of you counsellor’s credentials and understand that your participation in counselling is voluntary. Your counsellor will answer any questions that you may have about your counselling and you have the right to refuse or withdraw from counselling at any time.


Your counsellor is committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with the ethical guidelines of the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers. Client information is kept confidential. However there are some legal exceptions to confidentiality that you should be aware of:

  • If the counsellor has grounds to suspect that a child under 16 years old is at risk for abuse or neglect.
  • If there are grounds that the information given in counselling is needed to eliminate or reduce a significant risk of serious bodily harm to you, another individual or group of persons.
  • If your records are subpoenaed by a court of law or Andrea Beck Counselling is presented with a search warrant.
  • If you disclose that you were sexually abused by a regulated health professional or a member of the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers that professional must be reported to his/her respective college.

Notes from your session are not entered into a computer and your counsellor keeps your paper file confidential. You also understand that due to the nature of the internet Keys4life & Wellness cannot guarantee confidentially in computer mediated communications.

Fee Payment

Services at Keys4life & Wellness are not covered by OHIP. You agree to pay a fee for service. You agree to pay the fee if you miss a session without providing 48 hours notice by telephone.

Mitsy Clennon is a registered member of:OCSWSSW certification badge